This section includes details on the sessions that you would conduct as part of A F.A.I.R. Space and the way in which they could be conducted. Suggestions include the number of sessions, tools to run the session and logistics for running the sessions.
The F.A.I.R. Methodology is an experiential methodology. This refers to the importance of participants experiencing the process, as opposed to only reading or hearing about it from the facilitators of the program.
Since the objective of this Methodology is to help individuals think before they arrive at a conclusion, it is important that this process is not only demonstrated or explained to them, but that they go through each of the four steps to understand their significance and assess the impact for themselves.
Therefore, when planning the delivery of the program i.e., how it will be explained, it is crucial that the majority of the time is dedicated to the participants conducting different exercises amongst themselves, thereby restricting the explanation by the facilitators to perhaps only 10% of the allocated time.
For instance, if 1 hour is dedicated for the ‘F’ session, then only 5 – 10 minutes should cover the explanation and objective of ‘F’, with the remaining 45 – 50 minutes being dedicated to research by participants, followed by each participant providing a short summary of what they researched.
Here is a snapshot of the 6 key categories of sessions that form A F.A.I.R. Space: